I study (1) The Developing World, (2) Migration, and (3) Group Dynamics, spanning across multiple academic domains:
· Political Sociology (state-society relations, social cohesion, migrant integration)
· Social Psychology (intergroup relations, social cognition, meaning-making, identity)
· Group Behaviour (conformity, groupthink, atrocities)
· Public Policy (migration, citizenship, multiculturalism)
· Global Studies (development, forced migration, refugees)
Jump to sections:
· Books· Book chapters
· Journal articles
· Book reviews
· Film reviews
· Encyclopedia entries
· Academic Networks
[2] Kaya, Serdar. 2023. Indoctrination [Endoktrinasyon.]. Liber Plus. pp. 272.
3rd print, 2nd edition.
ISBN-13: 978-625-6982-34-5. [goodReads, further details]
[1] Kaya, Serdar. 2017. Freedom of expression versus religious sensitivities: Charlie Hebdo and Muhammad cartoons [İfade özgürlüğü ve dini hassasiyetler: Charlie Hebdo ve Hz. Muhammed karikatürleri]. Liber Plus. pp. 190.
ISBN-13: 978-605-83324-7-8. [goodReads, further details]
Book Chapters
[2] Kaya, Serdar. 2024. "Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra." In Handbook of terrorist and insurgent groups: A global survey of threats, tactics, and characteristics, ed. Scott N. Romaniuk, Animesh Roul, Amparo Pamela Fabe, János Besenyő. pp. 486-494. CRC Press by Routledge.
[1] Kaya, Serdar. 2021. "Islamism and its relation to Islam and the West: Common themes and varieties." In Political ideologies and worldviews: An introduction, ed. Valérie Vézina. KPU Pressbooks.
Journal Articles
[8] Kaya, Serdar; and Phil Orchard. 2020. "Prospects of return: The case of Syrian refugees in Germany." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 18(1): 95-112. (doi: 10.1080/15562948.2019.1570579)
[7] Kaya, Serdar. 2019. "Institutionalization of Islam in secular Europe: The influence of state-religion relations on anti-Muslim attitudes." Policy Studies Journal 47(3): 793-818. (doi: 10.1111/psj.12332)
[6] Kaya, Serdar. 2017. "Social consequences of securitizing citizenship: Two-tiered citizenry and anti-immigrant attitudes." Canadian Ethnic Studies 49(3): 27-49. (doi: 10.1353/ces.2017.0020)
[5] Kaya, Serdar. 2017. "State policies toward Islam in twenty countries in Western Europe: The Accommodation of Islam Index." Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 14(1): 55-81. (doi: 10.1515/mwjhr-2016-0003)
[4] Kaya, Serdar. 2015. "Islamophobia in Western Europe: A comparative, multilevel study." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 35(3): 450-465. (doi: 10.1080/13602004.2015.1080952)
[3] Kaya, Serdar. 2015. "Outgroup prejudice from an evolutionary perspective: Survey evidence from Europe." Journal of International and Global Studies 7(1): 16-31.
[2] Kaya, Serdar. 2012. "The social psychology of the Ergenekon case: The collapse of the official narrative in Turkey." Middle East Critique 21(2): 145-156. (doi: 10.1080/19436149.2012.688583)
[1] Kaya, Serdar. 2009. "The rise and decline of the Turkish 'deep state': The Ergenekon case." Insight Turkey 11(4): 99-113.
Book Reviews
[4] Kaya, Serdar. 2015. "Constructing Muslims in France: Discourse, public identity, and the politics of citizenship (by Jennifer Fredette)" Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(13): 2444-2446.
[3] Kaya, Serdar. 2011. "Cumhuriyet'in dindar kadınları [The religious women of the Republic] (by Fatma K. Barbarosoğlu)" Contemporary Islam 5(2): 211-212.
[2] Kaya, Serdar. 2011. "Velvet jihad: Muslim women's quiet resistance to Islamic fundamentalism (by Faegheh Shirazi)" Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 7(2): 120-122.
[1] Kaya, Serdar. 2010. "Secularism and state policies toward religion: The United States, France, and Turkey (by Ahmet Kuru)" Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 10(4): 491-493.
Film Reviews
[2] Kaya, Serdar. 2021. For Sama (by Waad Al-Kateab, and Edward Watts). Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees 37(2): 179-180.
[1] Kaya, Serdar. 2014. "Yılmaz Güney's Arkadaş and Yol: The changing approach of the renowned socialist filmmaker to gender equality." Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi [Research Journal of Politics, Economics and Management] 2(1): 61-65.
Encyclopedia Entries
[3] Kaya, Serdar. 2023. "Refugees." In The Palgrave encyclopedia of global security studies, pp. 1205-1210. Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_356-1)
[2] Kaya, Serdar. 2015. "Hrant Dink." In The Armenian Genocide: The essential reference guide, pp. 113-115. ABC-CLIO.
[1] Kaya, Serdar. 2014. "Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)." In The Oxford encyclopedia of Islam and politics, Volume 2, pp. 601-602. Oxford University Press.