01. Hikaye nedir?
02. Hikaye ve öteki
03. Biz ve Onlar
04. Ötekileştirme (Jane Elliott Deneyi)
05. Sineklerin Tanrısı ve Robbers Cave
06. Stanford Hapishane Deneyi
07. Milgram Deneyi
08. Asch Deneyi
09. Kötülüğün sıradanlığı
10. Ulus-devletlerin hikayeleri
11. Ulus-devletler nasıl ortaya çıktı?
12. Uluslar nasıl ortaya çıktı?
13. Dört perspektif
14. Nazi Almanyası
15. Nazi Almanyası'nda Antisemitizm
16. İmha
17. İmha Kampları
18. Savaşın ardından Batı
19. Savaşın ardından ABD (1): Sivil Haklar Hareketi
20. Savaşın ardından ABD (2): Karşıt-Kültür Hareketi
21. Toplumlar ve kutsalları
22. Kutsalların kurumsallaşması
23. Kutsallar ve eğitim
24. Çocukların zihinleri
25. Kitlesel eğitim
26. Kültler
27. Ulus kültleri
01. Hikaye nedir?
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. 2009. The danger of a single story. https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story/
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Hidden Figures. 2016. (Yönetmen: Theodore Melfi) ABD, 127 dakika.
Massey, Douglas S.; & Nancy A. Denton. 1993. American apartheid: Segregation and the making of the underclass. Harvard University Press.
Los Angeles Times. 1992. Understanding the riots: Los Angeles before and after the Rodney King case.
The Green Book. 2018. (Yönetmen: Peter Farrelly) ABD, 130 dakika.
The Naked Gun: From the files of police squad! 1988. (Yönetmen: David Zucker) ABD, 85 dakika.
The Naked Gun 2½: The smell of fear. 1991. (Yönetmen: David Zucker) ABD, 85 dakika.
Naked Gun 33⅓: The final insult. 1994. (Yönetmen: Peter Segal) ABD, 82 dakika.
02. Hikaye ve öteki
Anderson, Benedict. 1983. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism. Verso.
Eski Ahit. Tesniye 14:2.
Gellner, Ernest. 1983. Nations and Nationalism. Wiley-Blackwell.
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1990. Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, myth, reality. Cambridge University Press.
Huntington, Samuel. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Simon & Schuster.
Jenkins, Brian; & Spyros A. Sofos. 2003. Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe. Routledge.
Kur'an. Al-i İmran 139.
McGuire, William J. 1984. "Search for the self? Going beyond self-esteem and the reactive self." Personality and the Prediction of Behavior, ed. Robert A. Zucker, Joel Aronoff, & Albert I. Rabin. Academic Press. pp. 73-120.
03. Biz ve Onlar
Darley, John M.; & Ellen Berscheid. 1967. “Increased liking as a result of the anticipation of personal contact.” Human Relations 20(1): 29-40.
Dunham, Yarrow; Andrew Scott Baron, & Susan Carey. 2011. "Consequences of 'minimal' group affiliations in children." Child Development 82(3): 793-811.
Ferguson, Charles K.; & Harold H. Kelley. 1964. “Significant factors in over-evaluation of own-group's product.” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 69(2): 223-228.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 2001. (Yönetmen: Chris Columbus) Britanya, ABD, 152 dakika.
Rabbie, Jacob M.; & Gerard Wilkens. 1971. “Intergroup competition and its Effect on intragroup and intergroup relations.” European Journal of Social Psychology 1(2): 215-234.
Richter, Nadja; Harriet Over, & Yarrow Dunham. 2016. "The effects of minimal group membership on young preschoolers' social preferences, estimates of similarity, and behavioral attribution." Collabra 2(1): 1-8.
Rosling, Hans. 2018. Factfulness: Ten reasons we're wrong about the world-- and why things are better than you think. Flatiron Books.
Tajfel, Henri; Michael G. Billig, Robert P. Bundy, & Claude L. Flament. 1971. “Social categorization and intergroup behaviour.” European Journal of Social Psychology 1(2): 149-178.
Yang, Xin; & Yarrow Dunham. 2019. "Minimal but meaningful: Probing the limits of randomly assigned social identities." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 185: 19-34.
04. Ötekileştirme (Jane Elliott Deneyi)
A Class Divided. 1985. (Yönetmen: William Peters) Frontline, Sezon 3, Bölüm 9. ABD, 53 dakika.
Elliott, Jane. 2016. A Collar in My Pocket: Blue eyes/brown eyes exercise. CreateSpace.
Hoffer, Eric. 1951. The true believer: Thoughts on the nature of mass movements. Harper Perennial.
Massey, Douglas S. 2007. Categorically Unequal: The American stratification system. Russell Sage.
Peters, William. 1987. A Class Divided: Then and now. Yale University Press.
Portes, Alejandro; & Min Zhou. 1993. "The new second generation: Segmented assimilation and its variants." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 530: 74-96.
Rumbaut, Rubén G.; & Alejandro Portes (ed). 2001. Ethnicities: Children of immigrants in America. University of California Press.
Stewart, Tracie L.; Jacqueline R. Laduke, Charlotte Bracht, Brooke A. M. Sweet, & Kristine E. Gamarel. 2003. "Do the 'eyes' have it? A program evaluation of Jane Elliott's 'blue-eyes/brown-eyes' diversity training exercise." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33(9): 1898-1921.
The Eye of the Storm. 1970. (Yönetmen: William Peters) ABD, 25 dakika.
05. Sineklerin Tanrısı ve Robbers Cave
Alkitrang Dugo. 1975. (Yönetmen: Lupita A. Concio) Filipinler, 107 dakika.
Ballantyne, Robert M. 1857. The Coral Island: A tale of the Pacific Ocean. Thomas Nelson and Sons.
Blalock, Hubert M. 1967. Toward a Theory of Minority Group Relations. John Wiley and Sons.
Blumer, Herbert. 1958. “Race prejudice as a sense of group position.” Pacific Sociological Review 1(1): 3-7.
Bobo, Lawrence; & Vincent L. Hutchings. 1996. “Perceptions of racial group competition: Extending Blumer’s theory of group position to a multiracial social context.” American Sociological Review 61(6): 951-972.
Campbell, Donald T. 1965. Ethnocentric and Other Altruistic Motives. University of Nebraska Press.
Chong, Dennis. 2000. Rational Lives: Norms and values in politics and society. University of Chicago Press.
Esses, Victoria M.; Lynne M. Jackson; & Tamara L. Armstrong. 1998. “Intergroup competition and attitudes toward immigrants and immigration: An instrumental model of group conflict.” Journal of Social Issues 54(4): 699-724.
Facchini, Giovanni; & Anna Maria Mayda. 2009. “Does the welfare state affect individual attitudes toward immigrants? Evidence across countries.” Review of Economics and Statistics 91(2): 295-314.
Golding, William. 1954. Lord of the Flies. Faber & Faber.
Key, Jr., Valdimer Orlando. 1949. Southern Politics in State and Nation. A.A. Knopf.
Kinder, Donald R.; & David O. Sears. 1981. “Prejudice and politics: Symbolic racism versus racial threats to the good life.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 40(3): 414-431.
Lord of the Flies. 1963. (Yönetmen: Peter Brook) Britanya, 92 dakika.
Lord of the Flies. 1990. (Yönetmen: Harry Hook) ABD, 90 dakika.
Mayda, Anna Maria. 2006. “Who is against immigration? A cross-country investigation of individual attitudes toward immigrants.” Review of Economics and Statistics 88(3): 510-530.
Oğur, Yıldıray. 2014. Lüzumundan fazla münevver. Türkiye. 27 Temmuz. https://www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr/yazarlar/yildiray-ogur/581584.aspx
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Sears, David O.; & Carolyn L. Funk. 1990. “Self-interest in Americans’ political opinions.” Beyond Self-Interest, ed. Jane J. Mansbridge. University of Chicago Press. pp. 147-170.
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Sears, David O. 1996. “Symbolic politics: A socio-psychological theory.” Explorations in Political Psychology, ed. Shanto Iyengar & William J. McGuire. Duke University Press. pp. 113-149.
Sherif, Muzafer; O.J. Harvey, B. Jack White, William R. Hood, & Carolyn W. Sherif. 1961. The Robbers Cave Experiment: Intergroup conflict and cooperation. Wesleyan University Press.
Sherif, Muzafer. 1966. In Common Predicament: Social psychology of intergroup conflict and cooperation. Houghton Mifflin.
Van Oorschot, Wim; & Wilfred Uunk. 2007. “Welfare spending and the public’s concern for immigrants: Multilevel evidence for eighteen European countries.” Comparative Politics 40(1): 63-82.
06. Stanford Hapishane Deneyi
Haney, Craig; Curtis Banks, & Philip Zimbardo. 1973. "Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison." International Journal of Criminology and Penology 1: 69-97.
Le Texier, Thibault. 2019. "Debunking the Stanford prison experiment." American Psychologist 74(7): 823-839.
Reicher, Stephen; & S. Alexander Haslam. 2006. "Rethinking the psychology of tyranny: The BBC prison study." British Journal of Social Psychology 45: 1-40.
The Confession Tapes. 2017, 2019. (Yönetmenler: Kelly Loudenberg, Christina Burchard, Sara Goldblatt) ABD, 11 bölüm.
The Stanford Prison Experiment. 2015. (Yönetmen: Kyle Patrick Alvarez) ABD, 122 dakika.
Zimbardo, Philip; Craig Haney, & Curtis Banks. 2004. “A study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison.” Theatre in Prison: Theory and Practice, ed. Michael Balfour. Intellect. pp. 19-33.
07. Milgram Deneyi
Burger, J.M. 2009. "Replicating Milgram: Would people still obey today?" American Psychologist 64(1): 1-11.
Doliński, Dariusz; Tomasz Grzyb, Michał Folwarczny, Patrycja Grzybała, Karolina Krzyszycha, Karolina Martynowska, & Jakub Trojanowski. 2017. "Would you deliver an electric shock in 2015?: Obedience in the experimental paradigm developed by Stanley Milgram in the 50 Years following the original studies." Social Psychological and Personality Science 8(8): 927-933.
Experimenter. 2015. (Yönetmen: Michael Almereyda) ABD, 98 dakika.
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Waltz, Kenneth. 1959. Man, the State, and War: A theoretical analysis. Columbia University Press.
The Box. 2009. (Yönetmen: Richard Kelly) ABD, 115 dakika.
08. Asch Deneyi
Asch, Solomon E. 1955. Opinions and social pressure. Scientific American 193(5): 31-35.
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Birleşmiş Milletler. 1948a. İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi [Universal Declaration of Human Rights].
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Blakeslee, Sandra. 2005. What other people say may change what you see. The New York Times, 28 June. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/science/what-other-people-say-may-change-what-you-see.html
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Sorokin, Pitirim A.; & J.W. Boldyreff. 1932. "An experimental study of the ınfluence of suggestion on the discrimination and the valuation of people." The American Journal of Sociology 37(5): 720-737.
09. Kötülüğün sıradanlığı
Arendt, Hannah. 1963a. Eichmann in Jerusalem I-V. The New Yorker. (8 Şubat ila 16 Mart)
Arendt, Hannah. 1963b. A Report on the Banality of Evil: Eichmann in Jerusalem. Penguin.
Centola, Damon; Joshua Becker, Devon Brackbill, & Andrea Baronchelli. 2018. "Experimental evidence for tipping points in social convention." Science 360(6393): 1116-1119.
Cesarani, David. 2004. Eichmann: His life and crimes. William Heinemann.
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Stangneth, Bettina. 2014. Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The unexamined life of a mass murderer. Knopf Doubleday.
Staudenmaier, Peter. 2012. "Hannah Arendt's analysis of antisemitism in the origins of totalitarianism: A critical appraisal." Patterns of Prejudice 46(2): 154-179.
Zerzan, John. 1995. Whose Unabomber? https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/28728493/john-zerzan-whose-unabomberpdf [Erişim tarihi: 9 Ocak 2022]
10. Ulus-devletlerin hikayeleri
Game of Thrones. 2011-2019. Britanya, ABD, 73 bölüm. (George R.R. Martin, David Benioff, Daniel Brett Weiss)
Martin, George R.R. 1996-2011. A song of ice and fire. Bantam Books.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. 1975. (Yönetmenler: Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones) Britanya, 92 dakika.
Smith, Rogers M. 2003. Stories of peoplehood: The politics and morals of political membership. Cambridge University Press.
11. Ulus-devletler nasıl ortaya çıktı?
Anderson 1983.
Gellner 1983.
Montevideo Sözleşmesi. [Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States.] 1933.
Philpott, Daniel. 2001. Revolutions in sovereignty: How ideas shaped modern international relations. Princeton University Press.
Pierson, Christopher. 1996. The modern state. Routledge.
Tilly, Charles. 1975. The formation of national states in Europe. Princeton University Press.
12. Uluslar nasıl ortaya çıktı?
Anderson, Stephen R. 2012. Languages: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
Ascoli, Max. 1937. "Education in fascist Italy." Social Research 4(3): 338-347.
Giddens, Anthony. 1985. The nation-state and violence: A contemporary critique of historical materialism, Volume 2. Polity Press.
Hobsbawm, Eric J.; & Terence O. Ranger (ed). 1983. The invention of tradition. Cambridge University Press.
Hobsbawm 1990.
Kaya, Serdar. 2017. "Social consequences of securitizing citizenship: Two-tiered citizenry and anti-immigrant attitudes." Canadian Ethnic Studies 49(3): 27-49.
League of Nations. Convention on certain questions relating to the conflict of nationality laws. 12 April 1930, Volume 178, No 4137. The Hague.
McGarry, John; & Brendan O’Leary. 1993. "Introduction: The macro-political regulation of ethnic conflict." The politics of ethnic conflict regulation: Case studies of protracted ethnic conflicts, ed. John McGarry & Brendan O’Leary. Routledge. pp. 1-47.
Tilly 1975.
Tilly, Charles. 1990. Coercion, capital, and European states, AD 990-1992. Blackwell.
Weber, Max. 1919. Politik als Beruf. Duncker & Humboldt.
13. Dört perspektif
Anderson 1983.
Ardrey, Robert. 1961. African genesis: A personal investigation into the animal origins and nature of man. Atheneum.
Bellamy, Alex J. 2003. The formation of Croatian national identity: A centuries-old dream? Manchester University Press.
Dart, Raymond A. 1953. "The predatory transition from ape to man." International Anthropological and Linguistic Review 1(4): 201-217.
Flags of Our Fathers. 2006. (Yönetmen: Clint Eastwood) ABD, 132 dakika.
Geertz, Clifford. 1963. Old societies and new states: The quest for modernity in Asia and Africa. Free Press of Glencoe.
Gellner, Ernest. 1964. Thought and Change. Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
Gellner 1983.
Gellner, Ernest. 1996. "Ernest Gellner's reply: Do nations have navels?" Nations and Nationalism 2(3): 366-370.
Giddens 1985.
Goodall, Jane. 1990. Through a window: My thirty years with the chimpanzees of Gombe. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Gorski, Philip S. 2000. "The mosaic moment: An early modernist critique of modernist theories of nationalism." American Journal of Sociology 105(5): 1428-1468.
Greenfeld, Liah. 1992. Nationalism: Five roads to modernity. Harvard University Press.
Helbling, Marc; & Richard Traunmueller. 2016. "How state support of religion shapes attitudes toward Muslim immigrants: New evidence from a sub-national comparison." Comparative Political Studies 49(3): 391-424.
Idiocracy. 2006. (Yönetmen: Mike Judge) ABD, 84 dakika.
Le Bon, Gustave. 1895. The crowd: A study of the popular mind. Viking Press.
Letters from Iwo Jima. 2006. (Yönetmen: Clint Eastwood) ABD, 140 dakika.
Mylonas, Harris; & Maya Tudor. 2021. "Nationalism: What we know and what we still need to know." Annual Review of Political Science 24: 109-132.
O’Leary, Brendan. 1997. "On the nature of nationalism: An appraisal of Ernest Gellner’s writings on nationalism." British Journal Political Science 27(2): 191-222.
Shils, Edward. 1957. "Primordial, personal, sacred and civil ties: Some particular observations on the relationships of sociological research and theory." British Journal of Sociology 8(2): 130-145.
Smith, Anthony D. 1986. The ethnic origins of nations. Blackwell.
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Smith Anthony, D. 1995. "Gastronomy or geology? The role of nationalism in the reconstruction of nations." Nations and Nationalism 1(1): 3-23.
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Smith Anthony, D. 1996b. "Memory and modernity: Reflections on Ernest Gellner's theory of nationalism." Nations and Nationalism 2(3): 371-388.
Walzer, Michael. 1977. Just and unjust wars: A moral argument with historical illustrations. Basic Books.
14. Nazi Almanyası
Bessel, Richard (ed). 1996. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Comparisons and contrasts. Cambridge University Press.
O’Leary 1997.
Organski, A.F.K. 1958. World politics. Alfred A. Knopf.
15. Nazi Almanyası'nda Antisemitizm
Brustein, William I. 2003. Roots of hate: Anti-semitism in Europe before the Holocaust. Cambridge University Press.
Caplan, Jane; & Nikolaus Wachsmann (ed). 2009. Concentration camps in Nazi Germany: The new histories. Routledge.
Hayes, Peter; & John K. Roth (ed). 2012. The Oxford handbook of Holocaust studies. Oxford University Press.
Heim, Susanne. 2019. The persecution and murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germany, 1933-1945, Volume 2: German Reich 1938-August 1939. De Gruyter.
Marrus, Michael R. 1988. "The strange story of Herschel Grynszpan." The American Scholar 57(1): 69-79.
Megargee, Geoffrey P.; & Martin Dean (ed). 2012. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933-1945, Volume II: Ghettos in German-occupied Eastern Europe. Indiana University Press.
Stone, Dan. 2017. Concentration camps: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.
Trunk, Isaiah. 1962 [2006]. Łódź Ghetto: A History. Indiana University Press.
16. İmha
Hilberg, Raul. 1961 [2003]. The destruction of the European Jews. Yale University Press.
Lifton, Robert J. 1986. The Nazi doctors: Medical killing and the psychology of genocide. Basic Books.
Mommsen, Hans. 1997. "Hitler’s Reichstag speech of 30 January 1939." History and Memory 9(1/2): 147-161.
Montague, Patrick. 2012. Chełmno and the Holocaust: The history of Hitler's first death camp. I.B. Tauris.
17. İmha Kampları
Arad, Yitzhak 1999. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard death camps. Indiana University Press.
Ben-Naftali, Orna; & Yogev Tuval. 2006. Punishing International Crimes Committed by the Persecuted: The Kapo Trials in Israel (1950s–1960s)." Journal of International Criminal Justice 4(1): 128-178.
Berenbaum, Michael; & Yisrael Gutman. 1998. Anatomy of the Auschwitz death camp. Indiana University Press.
Gilbert, Martin. 1999. Holocaust journey: Traveling in search of the past. Columbia University Press.
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Jones, Adam. 2006. Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction. Routledge.
Lewy, Guenter. 2000. The Nazi persecution of the Gypsies. Oxford University Press.
Nomberg-Przytyk, Sara. 1985. Auschwitz: True tales from a grotesque land. University of North Carolina Press.
Rosenhaft, Eve; & Celia Donert (ed). 2021. The legacies of the Romani Genocide in Europe since 1945. Routledge.
Spector, Shmuel. 1990. "Aktion 1005: Effacing the murder of millions." Holocaust and Genocide Studies (5)2: 157-173.
Treblinka: Hitler's Killing Machine. 2013. (Yönetmen: Alex Nikolic-Dunlop) Britanya, 46 dakika.
18. Savaşın ardından Batı
Bellamy, Alex J.; & Tim Dunne (ed). 2016. The Oxford handbook of the responsibility to protect. Oxford University Press.
Birleşmiş Milletler. 1948a.
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Blatman, Daniel. 2011. The death marches: The final phase of Nazi genocide. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Gollwitzer, Anton; Julia Marshall, Yimeng Wang, & John A. Bargh. 2017. "Relating pattern deviancy aversion to stigma and prejudice." Nature Human Behaviour 1: 920-927.
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Lemkin, Raphael. 1946. "Genocide." American Scholar 15(2): 227-230.
Milletler Cemiyeti. 1930. Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws. 12 April 1930, Volume 178, No 4137. The Hague, League of Nations.
Risse, Thomas; Stephen C. Ropp, & Kathryn Sikkink (ed). 1999. The power of human rights: International norms and domestic change. Cambridge University Press.
19. Savaşın ardından ABD (1): Sivil Haklar Hareketi
Anderson, Terry H. 1995. The Movement and the Sixties: Protest in America from Greensboro to Wounded Knee. Oxford University Press.
Browder v. Gayle, 142 Federal Supplement 707 (1956).
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).
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Kirk, John A. 2007. Beyond Little Rock: The origins and legacies of the Central High crisis. University of Arkansas Press.
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Loewen, James W. 2005. Sundown towns: A hidden dimension of American racism. Touchstone.
Loving. 2016. (Yönetmen: Jeff Nichols) ABD, İngiltere, 123 dakika.
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Selma. 2014. (Yönetmen: Ava DuVernay) İngiltere, Fransa, ABD, 128 dakika.
20. Savaşın ardından ABD (2): Karşıt Kültür Hareketi
Anderson 1983.
Beston, Paul. 27 Nisan 2017. The Truth About Muhammad Ali and the Draft. The Wall Street Journal.
Burroughs, William S. 1959. Naked lunch. Grove Press.
Clay v. United States, 403 U.S. 698 (1971).
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Ginsberg, Allen. 1956. Howl and other poems. City Lights Books.
Hauser, Thomas. 1992. Muhammad Ali: His life and times. Simon & Schuster.
Holmes, John Clellon. 1952. Go. Scribner's.
Huxley, Aldous. 1954. The Doors of Perception. Harper & Row.
Joppke, Christian. 2016. "Terror and the Loss of Citizenship." Citizenship Studies 20(6-7): 728-748.
Kaya, Serdar. 2020. Malcolm X. http://derinsular.com/pdf/malcolm-x.pdf
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Kersten, Andrew E. 2002. "African Americans and World War II." OAH Magazine of History 16(3): 13-17.
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Miller, Timothy. 1999. The 60s communes: Hippies and beyond. Syracuse University Press.
Roszak, Theodore. 1969. The making of a counter culture. The University of California Press.
Shachar, Ayelet. 2009. The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality. Harvard University Press.
The Trials of Muhammad Ali. 2013. (Yönetmen: Bill Siegel) ABD, 86 dakika.
The Untold History of the United States. 2012-2013. (Yönetmen: Oliver Stone) ABD, 13 bölüm.
Up in Smoke. 1978. (Yönetmen: Lou Adler) ABD, 86 dakika.
21. Toplumlar ve kutsalları
ABD Bağımsızlık Bildirgesi, 1776.
Bleich, Erik. 2011. "The rise of hate speech and hate crime laws in liberal democracies." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(6): 917-934.
Kaya, Serdar. 2017. İfade Özgürlüğü ve Dini Hassasiyetler: Charlie Hebdo ve Hz. Muhammed Karikatürleri. Liber Plus.
Mahoney, James, & Kathleen Thelen (ed). 2015. Advances in Comparative-Historical Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
22. Kutsalların kurumsallaşması
Bandura, Albert. 1963. Social learning and personality development. Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
CBS. 1962. Candid Camera. Face the Rear.
Centola, Damon; Joshua Becker, Devon Brackbill, & Andrea Baronchelli. 2018. "Experimental evidence for tipping points in social convention." Science 360(6393): 1116-1119.
Darwin, Charles. 1872. The expression of the emotions in man and animals. Penguin.
Dawkins, Richard. 1982. The extended phenotype. Oxford University Press.
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. 2011. Mothers and others: The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding. Belknap.
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